Read Genome Annotations (GFF3) as a Spark DataFrame

GFF3 (Generic Feature Format Version 3) is a 9-column tab-separated text file format commonly used to store genomic annotations. Typically, the majority of annotation data in this format appears in the ninth column, called attributes, as a semi-colon-separated list of <tag>=<value> entries. If Spark’s standard csv data source is used to read GFF3 files, the whole list of attribute tag-value pairs will be read as a single string-typed column, making queries on these tags/values cumbersome.

To address this issue, Glow provides the gff data source. In addition to loading the first 8 columns of GFF3 as properly typed columns, the gff data source is able to parse all attribute tag-value pairs in the ninth column of GFF3 and create an appropriately typed column for each tag. In each row, the column corresponding to a tag will contain the tag’s value in that row (or null if the tag does not appear in the row).

Like any Spark data source, reading GFF3 files using the gff data source can be done in a single line of code:

df ="gff").load(path)

The gff data source supports all compression formats supported by Spark’s csv data source, including .gz and .bgz files. It also supports reading globs of files in one command.


The gff data source ignores any comment and directive lines (lines starting with #) in the GFF3 file as well as any FASTA lines that may appear at the end of the file.


1. Inferred schema

If no user-specified schema is provided (as in the example above), the data source infers the schema as follows:

  • The first 8 fields of the schema (“base” fields) correspond to the first 8 columns of the GFF3 file. Their names, types and order will be as shown below:

    |-- seqId: string (nullable = true)
    |-- source: string (nullable = true)
    |-- type: string (nullable = true)
    |-- start: long (nullable = true)
    |-- end: long (nullable = true)
    |-- score: double (nullable = true)
    |-- strand: string (nullable = true)
    |-- phase: integer (nullable = true)


    Although the start column in the GFF3 file is 1-based, the start field in the DataFrame will be 0-based to match the general practice in Glow.

  • The next fields in the inferred schema will be created as the result of parsing the attributes column of the GFF3 file. Each tag will have its own field in the schema. Fields corresponding to any “official” tag (those referred to as tags with pre-defined meaning) come first, followed by fields corresponding to any other tag (“unofficial” tags) in alphabetical order.

    The complete list of official fields, their data types, and order are as shown below:

    |-- ID: string (nullable = true)
    |-- Name: string (nullable = true)
    |-- Alias: string (nullable = true)
    |-- Parent: array (nullable = true)
    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
    |-- Target: string (nullable = true)
    |-- Gap: string (nullable = true)
    |-- DerivesFrom: string (nullable = true)
    |-- Note: array (nullable = true)
    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
    |-- Dbxref: array (nullable = true)
    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
    |-- OntologyTerm: array (nullable = true)
    |    |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
    |-- Is_circular: boolean (nullable = true)

    The unofficial fields will be of string type.


    • If any of official tags does not appear in any row of the GFF3 file, the corresponding field will be excluded from the inferred schema.

    • The official/unofficial field name will be exactly as the corresponding tag appears in the GFF3 file (in terms of letter case).

    • The parser is insensitive to the letter case of the tag, e.g., if the attributes column in the GFF3 file contains both note and Note tags, they will be both mapped to the same column in the DataFrame. The name of the column in this case will be either note or Note, chosen randomly.

2. User-specified schema

As with any Spark data source, the gff data source is also able to accept a user-specified schema through the .schema command. The user-specified schema can have any subset of the base, official, and unofficial fields. The data source is able to read only the specified base fields and parse out only the specified official and unofficial fields from the attributes column of the GFF3 file. Here is an example of how the user can specify some base, official, and unofficial fields while reading the GFF3 file:

mySchema = StructType(
  [StructField('seqId', StringType()),              # Base field
   StructField('start', LongType()),                # Base field
   StructField('end', LongType()),                  # Base field
   StructField('ID', StringType()),                 # Official field
   StructField('Dbxref', ArrayType(StringType())),  # Official field
   StructField('mol_type', StringType())]           # Unofficial field

df_user_specified ="gff").schema(mySchema).load(path)


  • The base field names in the user-specified schema must match the names in the list above in a case-sensitive manner.

  • The official and unofficial fields will be matched with their corresponding tags in the GFF3 file in a case-and-underscore-insensitive manner. For example, if the GFF3 file contains the official tag db_xref, a user-specified schema field with the name dbxref, Db_Xref, or any other case-and-underscore-insensitive match will correspond to that tag.

  • The user can also include the original attributes column of the GFF3 file as a string field by including StructField('attributes', StringType()) in the schema.